Fossil Park Neighborhood Association

About Us
The Fossil Park Neighborhood Association Board Members hold monthly meetings for the neighborhood! This is where you can hear what's going on with the neighborhood including special guests from various places such as: St. Pete Police Dept., Dolins Garden Center, and State Representatives. You can also share ideas on how to improve our neighborhood, meet your neighbors, ask general questions regarding the neighborhood or services, and even let us know if you need resources for special circumstances. We welcome the neighborhood!
2021 Board Members
President: Jerry Wooldridge
Vice President: Barbara Warner
Treasurer: Jim Herman
Secretary: Carol Santure
Director: Renee Roman
Director: Barry Porter
Neighborhood Meetings
Day: First Tuesday of the Month
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: TBA
Phone: 727-521-1291
EMAIL: dwooldridgejr@tampabay.rr.com
Due to COVID-19 right now the meetings are being held mainly in an outdoors environment we would love for everyone to attend, If you wish please remember that MASKS must be worn at all time and we would appreciate everyone's attendance.
*Meetings are open to the neighborhood, no membership required